Trine Giaever

<div><p>I have exhibited in Oslo's city hall, Sothebys, Connecticut, New York, Florida and California. I have a piece in the Albright-Knox Museum. And curator Micheal Willis of the British museum has collected some of my work.</p></div>


I believe art is a conversation between people. 

I think working for newspapers and publications on deadliines has forced me to work fast, and somewhat narratively.
I try to use this same “deadline” approach I when I draw or paint. Color decisions are quick and expressive. I like to balance the form, content and color with the mood. I try to get at least
one thing “right” in the painting, and sometimes, that is enough!


I attended the Rhode Island School of Design
for my BA and the New York Academy of Art for my MA.
I am an illustrator, painter, and a printmaker. I worked
as a full-time artist in the editorial graphics department
for The New York Daily News and also for The Associated Press. Nowadays I do freelance graphic work for scientific journals.


New York


United States