Elaine Schloss

 I studied for several years with local artist Ken Nishi, and at Suny Purchase with Roger Hendricks. I had an antiques store in Nyack New York Called My Own Little Corner Antiques and, when I decided to pursue art seriously, I added My Own Little Gallery within my space at the Franklyn Antiques Center, in Nyack, NY where  I curated rotating art shows and featured my own work in the  permanent gallery.


  Artists Statement 

 I have been an artist all of my life.  I am also an actor/singer and musical theater writer, which is why, perhaps, I love the drama of color and line.  

Sometimes I work in realistic, sometimes semi-abstract forms … but it has always been about the face and the figure, the emotion and the form …… and color.

No matter how abstract, I always work from life.  Like the audience at a play, I immerse myself in the emotion of the model and the pose.  The result, on paper or canvas, is my giddy applause.

During the pandemic, in the absence of live models I  painted botanicals. I even think these flowers, when I’m painting them, feel me. 

My work has been represented at The Manhattan Arts and Antiques Center in NY, the Franklin Antiques Center in Nyack, NY and the Helen Hayes Theater benefit auction in Nyack, NY.  I have had one-woman shows at The Turning Point restaurant in Piermont, NY; the Nyack Art Walk at Café Barcel; the Valley Cottage Library, Nyack Library, and am included in many private collections.

In December 2022 I was one of 9 artists out of 1800 applicants to win the Kessler: “The Next Originals” title, and representation in the hotel’s 6 “Grand Bohemian Galleries”


I have been an artist all of my life.  I am also an actor/singer and musical theater writer, which is why, perhaps, I love the drama of color and line.  

Sometimes I work in realistic, sometimes in semi-abstract forms … but it has always been about the face and the figure, the emotion and the form …… and color.

No matter how abstract, I always work from life.  Like the audience at a play, I immerse myself in the emotion of the model and the pose.  The result, on paper or canvas, is my giddy applause.

Throughout the Pandemic, in the absence of live models, I have had to use botanicals. I even think these flowers, when I’m painting them, feel me. 

My work has been represented at The Manhattan Arts and Antiques Center in NY, the Franklin Antiques Center in Nyack, NY and the Helen Hayes Theater benefit auction in Nyack, NY.  I have had one-woman shows at The Turning Point restaurant in Piermont, NY; the Nyack Art Walk at Café Barcel; the Valley Cottage Library and Nyack Library, and am included in many private collections.

December 2022 I was one of 9 artists out of 1800 applicants to win the Kessler Hotels  “The Next Originals” title, awarding me representation in the hotel’s 6 “Grand Boutique Galleries”

I have been an artist all of my life. In 2012 I decided to make art my focus. 

June 2012:     Won full scholarship to the Art Students  

               League Residency Program , Vytlacil in  

               Sparkhill, NY

October 2012:  Featured Artist: Café Barcel, Nyack, NY


October 2012:  Juried into Flywheel Gallery’s show 

               “Attitude”, Piermont-NY


December 2012: One of three winners awarded Holiday 

               Show at Piermont’s Flywheel Gallery.

February 2013: Featured in Nyack News and Views online

               Local Arts Index


March 2013:    Featured Artist:  Nyack Library, Nyack,NY


May 2013 :     Featured Member artist: Edward  

               Hopper House Museum, Nyack NY


May 2013:      Solo show: Bergan County Players 

               Theater, Oradel, NJ.


July 2013:     Solo shows beginning July 2013:  Nyack 

               Art Collective’s  “First Friday” in 

               various venues, including The  

               Chocolaterie; Saffron Trading Company; 

               Maria Louisa; The Franklin Antique Center.


October 2013:  Represented: silent auction for benefit 

               of Penguin Theater, Stony Point,NY


October 2013:  Represented: GAGA art Center, 

                          Garnerville, NY “Re-imagine  Garner”


October 2013:  Juried into the EstroGenius Festival NYC

Nov. 2013:     Solo show: Artist of the Month; Johnny   

               Cakes, Nyack, NY              

March 2014:    Solo show: Featured Artist: The Art 

               Café, Nyack, Nyack, N.Y.


March 2014:    Live Painting:  Selected to paint 3’ x 

               4’ canvas LIVE during performance of Eve      

               Ensler’s play “The Good Body” at the 4th 

               Universalist Church, NYC. The painting 

               was auctioned for charity.

May 2014      Solo Artist, the Producer’s Club, NYC

2014-2020.    Created My Own Little Gallery at the 

              Franklin Antiques Center, later called.   

              Main Stream Commons, Nyack, NY where 

              I curated local artists shows and 

              exhibited my own work in the Permanent 

              Gallery.  Gallery closed at start of the


May 2022      Featured artist Rockland Arts Festival

June-July 22  Beast With a Million Eyes Gallery  

2020 to Now   Represented in Gene Reed gallery, Nyack


              Nyack Antique Masters, Nyack, NY

              Nyack Art Collective group shows both in         

              person and virtual, Nyack, NY

              Dec. 2022-Winner Kessler Hotel’s: Grand   

              Bohemian Galleries  

              “The Next Originals” award.. granting me   

              my art on a sign in Times Square New    

              Year’s Eve, and representation in 6 of 

              the Kessler Hotel's Grand
.              Bohemian  galleries. 




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