Archive Mode. Call Edward Hopper House Museum Artist Members Spring 2024 Exhibition ended on 4/20/24, 12:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
Miggs Burroughs is a lifelong fine artist and designer based in Westport CT who has a degree in Theater from Carnegie Mellon Univeristy in Pittsburgh. Since then his career has veered off into the world of design and illustration, until now, when this wonderful show drew him back to his theatrical roots. His work in photography and illustration has been collected internationally and privately by institutions and museums. Miggs’s work has also graced the pages of national and international publications including four covers for TIME Magazine. His illustrations have appeared on a Commemorative U.S. Postage Stamp and his design work has been seen and appreciated on posters for the Red Cross and Save the Children, as well as on an Easter Egg for the Reagan White House, now residing in the Smithsonian Institution. A display of thirty of Miggs’s cutting edge lenticular images was on display at the United Nations headquarters in New York at the end of 2023. If there is an underlying theme to his work it can best be characterized as a study and celebration of our shared humanity.
StatementI am intrigued by all the journeys, large and small, near and far, through time, space and emotions, that are part of our daily lives. Fom here to there and back again, lenticular imagery allows me to explore each experience in a fresh and somewhat cinematic way. During the time spent with these animated images you will be enlisted as a collaborator, controlling the speed, sequence, and ultimately, the significance of what you see. They will only be as meaningful as the stories you are willing to bring to them. What is art after all, if not a visual confection conceived to tease the truth out of you and me.
CvExhibit at the United Nations October/November of 2023