Hell's Kitchen

Hell's Kitchen, Painting
Hell's Kitchen
Black and white photography has always played a role in my work, stemming from many hours spent in the darkroom manipulating images. Digital photography put an end to the darkroom and transferred it to the computer. I often create high contrast black and white pieces, which can be broken down into toner copies, and transferred into an encaustic or cold wax piece.
Because I live close to Manhattan I derive endless inspiration from the city, it’s architecture, the streets, and the people. I seem to have an endless fascination with the urban environment and aim to capture a sense of that.
The encaustic medium allows me to incorporate toner images into the painting.
Encaustic is a process in which you paint with melted wax, fusing each layer together. When polished it gives a luminescence not seen in other mediums.

Painting    16 x 12 x 0.78    $650.00